Hey there, I'm Pavittar.
I develop web apps. I write my apps in React, Express, Nodejs, MongoDb, and Firebase.


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Recent Blogs

Does your code have debt?
Good code is an asset, while Bad code is a liability. The liability also has a technical name as Tech/Code Debt. Code debt arises when the delivered code is not very optimal requires refactoring. This debt can be due to faster delivery timelines, mis...
Using multiple Github accounts with SSH
When I started using Github, I used Github Desktop for sometime because that felt easy. Down the line, I learnt using git via CLI. And, I haven't touched the electron tool back ever. But, I was still using Github via HTTP vs SSH. I fell in love with...
How code execution works in Javascript?
Javascript is asynchronous, that simply means that it does not wait. Well, it does but not very often. And, unless you ask it to await. Javascript is like the language of Web. So, if you planning to learn Web Development. Javascript is one of the thi...
Why you should avoid using CMS for your projects?
I will start with Strapi, and If you do not know it already. Strapi is a headless CMS, written on top of Nodejs. So, you can use it to create APIs, while the content can be managed by the CMS. It uses Koa (not express) under the hood for configuring ...
Understanding the Client-Server model of application development
For someone starting out their web development journey, he must first understand how web apps work. The Client-Server model act as the core of every web app. Be it a social networking app as Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp; an online MMORPG game you...